Today’s employers look to match skills of potential employees with those required by the job. For that reason the usual practice of listing previous employers and job titles on a resume is a thing of the past; when employers look at a resume they want to see not so much where a person worked, but what skills you have. Unfortunately many individuals, when asked to list their skills, are hard pressed to come up with very many. This is because most people have difficulty looking deep enough in to their training and work history to recognize all the skills they actually have.
Another issue for job seekers is unfamiliarity with the labor market in the area they are searching. Beginning, or continuing, your search for a particular type of work without knowing if that type work is even available in the search area is, of course, fruitless and frustrating.
This two hour, free, session is designed to help participants identify their skills and how to list them on their resume. The session will also demonstrate the value of knowing your search area so that you can increase the efficiency of your search.